Welcome to the Global Business Advisors Forums where business leaders, owners, and advisors can interact, share ideas, celebrate successes, and build a global community of growth oriented entrepreneurs!

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As an SME business leader, owner, or advisor, thank you for driving one half of the gross domestic product in the top 17 countries around the world (according to the World Bank). We need you now more than ever!

I wish you much entrepreneurial success.

Phil Symchych
Global Business Advisors Forums
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Please be kind to others. Treat others as you would like to be treated. Be respectful. We are here to learn and share.

Has COVID-19 broken the Supply Chain?

Very happy to be a panelist at Florida Atlantic University's webinar on Has COVID-19 broken the Supply Chain? If you're interested listening follow the link below.


  • Congratulations!

  • @Art Koch

    This is great credibility!

    How can you leverage this IP and reach out to other industry groups to offer webinars or panel discussions based on you IP, binder and manifesto?

  • edited July 2020

    Yes, yes... Let's talk, I want your ideas!

    This is another step of increasing my circle.

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