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As an SME business leader, owner, or advisor, thank you for driving one half of the gross domestic product in the top 17 countries around the world (according to the World Bank). We need you now more than ever!
I wish you much entrepreneurial success.
Phil Symchych
Global Business Advisors Forums
The Power of a Project and a One Page Plan
We can all learn something from the construction industry. They use blue prints and drawings to show what is going to happen and what the future needs to look like.
However, many of us use emails and endless narratives without specific objectives or metrics to communicate a continual lack of progress on what might be important. We're not sure. We can't tell if it's important. There's too much static and words hiding any signs of a clear purpose or progress.
If something is important, it becomes a project, and a project needs a one page plan. If it's not important, put it down, and walk or run away.
A one page plan states:
- Title - a clear title to summarize the intent or initiative
- Purpose - one sentence to explain why, what, and how a new state needs to exist.
- Priorities, Goals and metrics - two to three (max) specific statements and measures of progress for the priorities at hand.
- Potential obstacles - list the two or three most likely obstacles that will be encountered.
- Action plan - briefly describe the four or five major steps that need to happen, and who is doing what by when.
Any future meetings on this project are based on a status update of the action plan.
As a bonus, this process can apply to meetings and topics that need actions and accountability.