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As an SME business leader, owner, or advisor, thank you for driving one half of the gross domestic product in the top 17 countries around the world (according to the World Bank). We need you now more than ever!

I wish you much entrepreneurial success.

Phil Symchych
Global Business Advisors Forums
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Please be kind to others. Treat others as you would like to be treated. Be respectful. We are here to learn and share.

Management is a contact sport.

Management requires getting personal with your employees. You need to know what makes them tick and what ticks them off.

In a big company, management can use structure and power to get things done.

In a small/medium enterprise, there is less structure and there is less power. Especially when you realize that "owner" is not a position on the organizational chart. Being an "owner" does not give you special powers or respect.

If you lead an SME, you have the advantage of direct access and immediate conversation with your people. Your people have ideas. They want to be listened to. They want to know you've heard them and you care.

If you don't have time to listen to your employees, they'll find another manager--at another company--who will.

Remember, with every pair of hands, your employees show up with a free brain and a free heart. It's your job as a manager to engage their hearts and brains. That means you need to connect with them personally to get to know them and to help them be successful with their goals and aspirations, not just your goals.

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