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As an SME business leader, owner, or advisor, thank you for driving one half of the gross domestic product in the top 17 countries around the world (according to the World Bank). We need you now more than ever!

I wish you much entrepreneurial success.

Phil Symchych
Global Business Advisors Forums
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Two things Every CEO Must be doing Post COVID-19 to Improve their Supply Chain Lead-Times

Every CEO or executive should be driving reduced lead-times.


  • Art,

    A few suggestions if I may:

    1. First, good message, delivery, lighting and sound.
    2. Move your camera down so there is only a small space from the top of your heard to the top frame. It will be much more powerful if we see your hands move to emphasize the messages.
    3. The background is way too busy.
    4. The music is way too loud and especially at the end when we can barely hear your voice.
    5. The content and delivery is quite good but I know you can deliver it to be punchier, perhaps make it a bit more provocative and with more enthusiasm and drama.
    6. My simple benchmark is to have your audience reaction either be: "great insights. I never thought about it this way!" or "Wow! This is mind blowing. I need to hear from from this guy and better yet, contact him for help"

    Hope this helps.

  • Thanks everyone!

  • Hi Art,

    Content is great. Period.

    Chad may have touched on this with point five; I will say it in my way. You're too serious. You are really a fun guy and I think you can show that with an occasional smile, a bit of humor, and maybe even a story that leads into your points.

    The marvelous Patricia Fripp states that "sameness is the enemy of the speaker." (insert British accent) Your facial features are the same for the entire clip. I would just encourage you to have more fun and take a few chances with your delivery.

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